About me.

Hi, I'm James! I do a lot of things on the internet.

You might know me from my involvement in Unicorn Utterances, some of my open source projects, or maybe even my music production work. Nearly everything that I make is open source in some form, and I usually accept pull requests in all of my projects unless stated otherwise.

My profile picture.

Things I've done

I create electronic music under the name "fennifith" on most platforms - the majority of which is available for reuse under CC BY-NC.
Most of my technical writing is on Unicorn Utterances, a helpful and welcoming community with a focus on educational programming content.

If you're interested in learning more about computers, make sure to check out our posts and join our Discord!

Latest blog posts

Considering alternatives to modern music distribution with small platforms and self-hosted sites!
A summary of some of the various projects I've been working on this year.
A beginner-friendly series for teaching programming concepts with Minecraft data packs.

Other cool people

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