Projects Alarmio Docs FormatUtils


Type: public static String

Get the proper hh:mm:ss time format to use, dependent on whether 24-hour time is enabled in the system settings.

Parameter Name Description
context An active context instance.

Returned Value: A string to format hh:mm:ss time.


Type: public static String

A shorter version of getFormat with the AM/PM indicator in the 12-hour version.

Parameter Name Description
context An active context instance.

Returned Value: A string to format hh:mm time.


Type: public static String

Formats the provided time into a string using getFormat.

Parameter Name Description
context An active context instance.
time The time to be formatted.

Returned Value: A formatted hh:mm:ss string.


Type: public static String

Formats the provided time into a string using getShortFormat.

Parameter Name Description
context An active context instance.
time The time to be formatted.

Returned Value: A formatted hh:mm string.


Type: public static String

Formats the provided time into the provided format.

Parameter Name Description
time The time to be formatted.
format The format to format the time into.

Returned Value: The formatted time string.


Type: public static String

Formats a duration of milliseconds into a "0h 00m 00s 00" string.

Parameter Name Description
millis The millisecond duration to be formatted.

Returned Value: The formatted time string.


Type: public static String

Formats a duration of minutes into a meaningful string to be used in idk maybe a sentence or something. An input of 60 becomes "1 hour", 59 becomes "59 minutes", and so on.

Parameter Name Description
context An active context instance.
minutes The duration of minutes to format.

Returned Value: The formatted time string.