Projects Asteroid Docs BaseGameUtils


Type: public static void

Show an with an 'OK' button and a message.

Parameter Name Description
activity the Activity in which the Dialog should be displayed.
message the message to display in the Dialog.


Type: public static boolean

Resolve a connection failure from

Parameter Name Description
activity the Activity trying to resolve the connection failure.
client the GoogleAPIClient instance of the Activity.
result the ConnectionResult received by the Activity.
requestCode a request code which the calling Activity can use to identify the result of this resolution in onActivityResult.
fallbackErrorMessage a generic error message to display if the failure cannot be resolved.

Returned Value: true if the connection failure is resolved, false otherwise.


Type: public static boolean

For use in sample code only. Checks if the sample was set up correctly, including changing the package name to a non-Google package name and replacing the placeholder IDs. Shows alert dialogs to notify about problems. DO NOT call this method from a production app, it's meant only for samples!

Parameter Name Description
resIds the resource IDs to check for placeholders

Returned Value: true if sample is set up correctly; false otherwise.


Type: public static void

Show a with the correct message for a connection error.

Parameter Name Description
activity the Activity in which the Dialog should be displayed.
requestCode the request code from onActivityResult.
actResp the response code from onActivityResult.
errorDescription the resource id of a String for a generic error message.


Type: public static Dialog

Create a simple with an 'OK' button and a message.

Parameter Name Description
activity the Activity in which the Dialog should be displayed.
text the message to display on the Dialog.

Returned Value: an instance of


Type: public static Dialog

Create a simple with an 'OK' button, a title, and a message.

Parameter Name Description
activity the Activity in which the Dialog should be displayed.
title the title to display on the dialog.
text the message to display on the Dialog.

Returned Value: an instance of