Projects Attribouter Wiki


Link tags can exist as children of the App, Contributor, and License wedges. They can also be added as children of the root tag, though that is not their intended use. A few links are generated automatically by these wedges, such as links to the github profile of contributors for which the login attribute has been specified, and so on. These auto-generated links are specified in the wedges' individual documentation pages.

If you wish to remove an auto-generated link, you can simply define a LinkWedge with the same id and the hidden attribute. However, if you want to modify another value of an auto-generated link, such as the title or icon, you may need to specify that you want to override consecutive merges as well so that it is not overwritten if the wedge receives more information from the GitHub API. See "Overriding Resources and Providing Translations" for more information on overriding merges.

By default, AppWedge links are displayed below the app description, ContributorWedge links are displayed in a dialog (that only appears if the contributor has a bio), and LicenseWedge links are displayed below the description.


    priority="7" />


Attribute Type Description
id String The id of the link, to prevent duplicate links from being created.
name String / String Resource The name/title of the link.
url String The url of the link.
icon String (URL) / Drawable Resource The icon to display next to the link.
priority Integer Defines how the links should be sorted - the highest priority appears first in the list, and/or is opened when the whole item is clicked.
hidden Boolean Whether to hide the link. This is useful for removing automatically generated links that you do not want to display (example: removing the 'playStore' link generated by <appInfo> using the package name if your app is not published on the play store).


The LinkWedge also has various "sub-wedges" that extend its functionality for various situations, such as sending an email, displaying license information, or opening the app's play store page without defining its package name.


The EmailLinkWedge accepts only two attributes: priority (inherited from LinkWedge) and email.


    priority="6" />



Play Store

The PlayStoreLinkWedge accepts one attribute (priority) and determines the package name at runtime to open its play store page.


    priority="5" />