Projects ColorPickerDialog Docs ColorPickerDialog


Type: public ColorPickerDialog

Specify whether alpha values should be enabled. This parameter defaults to true.

Parameter Name Description
isAlphaEnabled Whether alpha values are enabled.

Returned Value: "This" dialog instance, for method chaining.


Type: public ColorPickerDialog

Enables the preset picker view and applies the passed presets. Passing nothing will enable the picker view with the default preset values.

Parameter Name Description
presets The preset colors to use.

Returned Value: "This" dialog instance, for method chaining.


Type: public <T extends PickerView> ColorPickerDialog

Add an unidentified picker view to the dialog, if it doesn't already exist. This class is instantiated by the dialog, to keep the view's Context consistent with the rest of the styled components.

If the picker view already exists in the dialog, this will throw an error.

Parameter Name Description
pickerClass The class of the picker view to add.

Returned Value: "This" dialog instance, for method chaining.


Type: @Nullable public <T extends PickerView> DelayedInstantiation<T>

Determine whether a particular picker view is enabled, and return it. If not, this will return null.

Parameter Name Description
pickerClass The class of the PickerView.

Returned Value: The view, if it is enabled; null if not.


Type: public ColorPickerDialog

Set the picker views used by the dialog. If this method is called with no arguments, the default pickers will be used; an RGB and HSV picker.

Parameter Name Description
pickers The picker views to use.

Returned Value: "This" dialog instance, for method chaining.


Type: public ColorPickerDialog

Clears the picker views used by dialog. This is a workaround, if you want to show the presets tab as first tab you can use withPickers(), but then you use the default colors, not the ones you've set.

Returned Value: "This" dialog instance, for method chaining.

Reference: #withPickers