Projects ColorPickerDialog Docs PickerDialog


Type: public T

Set whether the dialog should retain its current instance.

Defaults to true. If this is true, the dialog will be dismissed on an orientation / config change - if not, it will be automatically recreated by the system. The current color, pickers, and theme options will be retained, but you will need to reconnect to this fragment to re-apply an OnColorPickedListener.

Parameter Name Description
shouldRetainInstance Whether the dialog should retain its current instance.

Returned Value: "This" dialog instance, for method chaining.


Type: public T

Specify a listener to receive updates when a new color is selected.

Parameter Name Description
listener The listener to receive updates.

Returned Value: "This" dialog instance, for method chaining.


Type: public T

Specify an initial color for the picker to use.

Parameter Name Description
color The initial color int.

Returned Value: "This" dialog instance, for method chaining.


Type: @ColorInt public int

Get the current color int selected by the picker.

Returned Value: The current color of the picker.


Type: public T

Specify a title for the dialog. Passing "null" will set the dialog to its default title.

Parameter Name Description
title The (string) title of the dialog.

Returned Value: "This" dialog instance, for method chaining.


Type: @Nullable public String

Get the current title of the dialog; "null" if there is not one set.

Returned Value: The title of the dialog.


Type: public T

Specify a theme/style of the dialog. Defaults to @style/ColorPickerDialog

Parameter Name Description
style The style for the dialog to use.

Returned Value: "This" dialog instance, for method chaining.


Type: public T

Specify the corner radius for the dialog to use, in dp.

Parameter Name Description
cornerRadius The corner radius of the dialog, in dp.

Returned Value: "This" dialog instance, for method chaining.


Type: public T

Specify the corner radius for the dialog to use, in px.

Parameter Name Description
cornerRadiusPx The corner radius of the dialog, in px.

Returned Value: "This" dialog instance, for method chaining.


Type: public float

Get the currently applied corner radius, in dp.

Returned Value: The corner radius, in dp.


Type: public int

Get the currently applied corner radius, in px.

Returned Value: The corner radius, in px.


Type: public T

Initialize theme-related variables from a provided PickerTheme interface. Coincidentally, this class also implements that interface.

Parameter Name Description
theme The theme to initialize values from.

Returned Value: "This" dialog instance, for method chaining.