Projects Status Docs AppPreferenceData


Type: public String

Obtain the component name of the preference; "" if the preference is for a specific activity, just "" if not.

Returned Value: A string containing the entire component name of the app.


Type: public String

Obtain the package name of the preference.

Returned Value: A string containing the package name of the app.


Type: @Nullable public String

Get the component name of the preference. If the preference is not an activity, this will be null.

Returned Value: A string containing the component name of the app.


Type: @Nullable public List<AppPreferenceData>

Get all of the activities declared by the application. If the preference is not an application, this will be null.

Returned Value: A list of data classes representing activities declared by the application.


Type: @Nullable public String

Get the name of the activity. If the preference is not an activity, this will be null.

Returned Value: The name of the activity.


Type: public boolean

Determine whether the preference is for an activity.

Returned Value: True if the preference is for a specific activity.


Type: @Nullable public String

Obtain the label of the activity / application.

Parameter Name Description
context The current app context.

Returned Value: The string label declared by the application or component that this preference is for.