Projects Status Docs IconData


Type: protected void

Initialize all of the settings / variables of the icon to their preference values. If it's the first init, this will also set up the animated attributes; if not, it will simply update them to match their 'default' values.

Parameter Name Description
isFirstInit Whether this is the first initialization of the icon (this method may be called externally to update values on a preference change without restarting Status's entire service).


Type: public void

Called when a message is sent to the icon from an external service. This is mainly used for the NotificationIconData, so that the NotificationService can send it information without calling a static method or holding a direct reference to it.

Parameter Name Description
message The message that was sent.


Type: public final void

Called to request that the icon be drawn again; indicates that an attribute of the icon has changed that the user should be made aware of.


Type: public final boolean

Evaluates whether the icon should be visible on the screen.

Returned Value: True if the icon should be drawn.


Type: boolean

Determine whether the icon should be visible by default.

Returned Value: True if the icon should be visible by default.


Type: public boolean

Determine whether the element has the ability to draw an icon (the Data icon, for example, is only text and will never contain an icon).

Returned Value: True if the element can draw an icon.


Type: public boolean

Determine whether the element should have an icon, given its current state and preferences.

Returned Value: True if the element should have an icon.


Type: public boolean

Determine whether the element has the ability to draw text data (the NFC icon, for example, is only an indicator and can never contain any text).

Returned Value: True if the element can draw text.


Type: public boolean

Determine whether the element should have any text, given its current state and preferences.

Returned Value: True if the element should have text.


Type: public

Get an array of the app permissions required for the icon to function (if any). Returns an empty array by default.

Returned Value: A String[] of the permissions required by the icon.


Type: public T

Get the BroadcastReceiver tied to the icon.

Returned Value: The BroadcastReceiver instance tied to the icon.


Type: public IntentFilter

Get the IntentFilter that the icon receives updates from.

Returned Value: An IntentFilter that the icon receives updates from.


Type: public void

Register the icon to listen for updates. requestRedraw() can be called after this.


Type: public void

Unregister the icon so that it no longer receives any updates. requestRedraw() should no longer be called after this.


Type: public void

Determines the color of the icon based on various settings, some of which are icon-specific.

Parameter Name Description
color the color to be drawn behind the icon


Type: public void

Sets the icon color manually.

Parameter Name Description
iconColor the color to use to draw the icon


Type: public void

Sets the text color manually.

Parameter Name Description
textColor the color to use to draw the text


Type: public boolean

Determine whether the icon needs to have another frame drawn.

Returned Value: True if the icon should be re-drawn for the next frame.


Type: public void

Update the animated attributes of the icon to match the current system time.


Type: public void

Draws the icon on a canvas.

Parameter Name Description
canvas the canvas to draw on
x the x position (LTR px) to start drawing the icon at
width the available width for the icon to be drawn within


Type: public int

Returns the estimated width (px) of the icon, or -1 if the icon needs to know the available space first.

Parameter Name Description
height the height (px) to scale the icon to
available the available width for the icon, or -1 if not yet calculated

Returned Value: the estimated width (px) of the icon


Type: public List<BasePreferenceData>

Obtain a list of all of the "preferences" that can be used to modify the icon in the user-facing settings UI.

Returned Value: A list of the preferences that can be used to modify the icon.


Type: public int

Get the amount of icons that each "icon style" should contain.

Returned Value: An integer signifying the amount of icons that each style should contain.


Type: public

Obtain an array containing user-facing "names" of each icon in the styles.

Returned Value: An array containing user-facing "names" of each icon in the style.


Type: public List<IconStyleData>

Get a list of all of the available icon styles for the icon.

Returned Value: A list of all of the available icon styles for the icon.


Type: public final void

Add a new icon style to the styles that can be used by the element. This verifies the size of the style, then writes it to the icon's preferences.

Parameter Name Description
style The new icon style to be added to the list of styles used by the element.


Type: public final void

Remove an icon style from the styles that can be used by the element.

Parameter Name Description
style The style to be removed.


Type: public

Get a list of the arguments that can be used to identify the icon in SharedPreferences.

Returned Value: A String[] of the arguments that can be used to identify the icon in SharedPreferences.